It's funny how conservatives complain about social engineering, then go out of their way to socially engineer things:
"We would not expect our boys to learn how to read or do arithmetic or play baseball without any form of instruction whatsoever. Why then do we expect them to learn how to be men entirely on their own, especially in a society dead set on interfering in the process? As we’ve seen a million times, if a boy is left to learn about masculinity all alone in the wilds of modern society, he’ll come to the conclusion that masculinity is either toxic or non-existent. He’ll determine that the best thing a man can do is reject whatever is unique to men and begin aping the style, mannerisms, and behavior of women. He’ll learn, in other words, that the best kind of man is a woman."
Walsh very much admits that masculinity is a thing that should be learned, and then specifies *how to teach it*