Denial - Movie

"Holocaust Denial rests on 4 basic assertions": 1) Killing not systematic 2) Numbers are exaggerated 3) There were no gas chambers/specially built killing facilities 4) Holocaust a myth invented by Jews for financial compensation and to further the state of Isreal Jews are everyday casualties of war.
How do we know it happened? What's the proof, how strong is the proof? - No photographs of the gas chambers (Nazi's wouldn't allow it)
"Deniers often have an agenda they won't admit to" - what is their agenda?
Won't debate with people who deny the Holocaust - like she won't debate with people who think Elvis is alive.
"The reason you don't engage with people you disagree with is that you can't - because of the facts" - Holocaust Denier guy
Note the clever crafting on how to get what they want from their opponent - flattering, and reinforcing his self image as a "learned" man.
Notice the point of view of the defender: - Objects to being called "a denier", objects to the labelling of himself by others * Feels like it makes him a "pariah", an outcast from normal society - Feels like it is "his execution" Note the self victimization, without the empathy for what has happened with other people. Even *using* the terrible things that have happened *to others* with the *ideology* he supports to paint himself as the victim. Note the linguistic sleight of hand, appropriating the aspects of his opponents campaign to garner sympathy for himself.
"He's making it respectable for people to hold 2 points of view" - telling, in terms of view suppression through unrespectability and weakening of the truth through muckraking and sewing doubt.
Poking holes in one small piece of evidence can be used by the people who want to warp truth to shed doubt on a far larger body of evidence than such a hole merits.
"The trouble is what feels best isn't always what works best"
Talks about how he hires people of other ethnicities who are "all very attractive girls with very nice breasts" as a way of justifying that he is not racist.
" It is, to use an analogy, like a waiter who always gives the wrong change. If the waiter is honest, then we may expect his mistakes sometimes to benefit the customer, sometimes himself. But Mr Irving is the dishonest waiter. Every one of his mistakes works in his own favour." - quoted from script, said by Rampton, written by Daved Hare, based on book by Deborah E. Lipstadt
"He could be an anti-semite, and he could be honest: he may really believe what he is saying." "But, if we know there is no historical cause for holocaust denial, and we know he is an anti-semite, it is no great stretch to think the two are connected." This is a very difficult point. What if he believed *false information* which caused him to have his view as an anti-semite? This assumes that the anti semitism came first, and that the false information was manufactured or disproportionately adopted on the basis of these beliefs. Additionally, does it matter what came first? If someone believes something false, takes on an incorrect and possibly racist view that oppresses people, should their negligence in sorting out the real facts protect them from the insults of others?
"Only in hindsight do things get called heroic"
"At the time you're just afraid - afraid of how things will turn out"
People kept saying that this is an "attack on free speech" in that he couldn't say what he wanted, but it was actually an attack on *her* free speech. She didn't use the legal system to try to stop him, he tried to use it *to stop her*. It was her free speech that was in jeopardy.
Even after his loss, he claims "a victory." Clearly, he "ran rings around the defense" just didn't use enough of a mallet to "ram it into the thick skull of the judge."
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Until August <a href="">marche calanques marseille</a> HP has made a series of blunders that would have sunk most corporations. They still don&#8217;t have the leadership including a fresh Board of Directors to move ahead instead of wallowing in their failure and missed opportunities. The creativity needed is already in place i.e. it e employees who are undervalued, mismanaged and blamed for the failures of the leadership and Board. Morale is so low it can crawl under the belly of an ant. It&#8217;s time to reinvigorate and empower employees creating new products that will light a fire under what once was one of the finest and most creative companies in the world. The choice of Meg Whitman was not a wise one but what can be expected of a an ossified Board that lacks imagination and apparently also lacks business acumen. That is a double headed disaster that require urgent action but by whom? Shareholders are disempowered and there is nothing to stop the coming slide except, dare it be said, bankruptcy. What a shame to run this magical corporation into the ground.
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We're at university together <a href="">can i stop taking finasteride cold turkey</a> This classical idea, that young people should be taught the best that&rsquo;s been thought and written as well as being given the chance to develop their character strengths, has always been popular. A recent poll for The Jubilee Centre for Character and Values showed that 87 per cent of parents want schools to focus on character development and academic study. The independent sector &ndash; which has always been more responsive to parents than to passing fads &ndash; has long delivered this more rounded approach to schooling. For the majority of parents, however, and especially those whose children do not attend church schools, choosing this kind of education in the state sector just isn&rsquo;t possible.
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I'm in a band <a href="">what is stendra and how does it work</a> It is not the case that a-prefixes can attach to any old word ending in -ing. They can attach to verbs, as in the first example. But not to gerunds (a verb serving as a noun for a general action), adjectives, or objects of prepositions, as in the other examples. The fact that those examples sound wrong to dialect speakers shows that there are conditions on where a-prefixes can go. The fact that those conditions can be described in terms of verbs, gerunds, adjectives, and prepositions show that the conditions have to do with the linguistic structure of sentences. A condition that depends on linguistic structure is a rule. A system of these rules is a grammar. This is what linguists mean when they talk about the grammar of a dialect.
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Thanks funny site <a href="">can i take ibuprofen with nasal decongestant </a> Once the modellers had turned the drawings into 3D renderings, the animation team used an in-house computer program called Emo to animate their characters, bringing movement to them for the first time. But special software had to be created to build the racetrack scene so that the layout team could easily rotate the track and make changes. More technical wizardry was needed for the 600,000-strong crowds, the largest number of people ever in an animated film (the previous record was 70,000): the team had to refine methods usually used to create forests of trees.
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I'd like to apply for this job <a href="">phenytoin level calculator globalrph</a> Had Hundley -- who threw for a touchdown, ran for a touchdown and caught a touchdown pass Thursday -- gone into a shell after the pick-six, he might never have had the idea for the draw. But he shook it off, just as the rest of the Bruins shook off their mistakes to grind out a win. "Everyone's going to have a bad play. They might have a bad series. Heck, they might have a bad game," Mora said. "But the ones that are really special, they find a way to come back. It's just in them. Brett's demonstrating that."
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Cool site goodluck :) <a href="">can you get esomeprazole</a> "It's entirely possible that we find ourselves in an extended period of time trapped in Dante's first circle of hell," she said. "All of that suggests that we need prudence and caution ... until we can get a more stable plan from the government with respect to both the debt ceiling and funding."
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I'd like to open an account <a href="">strattera laboratorio lilly</a> The general market view had been that the Fed could begin toscale back its massive $85 billion-a-month stimulus programme bySeptember, but markets were less sure about the time frame afterthe Fed minutes and Bernanke's comments on Wednesday.
Just over two years <a href="">dulcolax overnight</a> So there we have it. Or not quite, because Sturgeon adds that a no vote will probably mean the end of the purchase that the Scottish government presently has on Westminster. "The UK government for a long time after will think Scotland's been put back in its box. I don't think there's any chance after a no vote of Scotland getting any significant new powers." A neat trap: vote no and things do not stay the same, they get worse.
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About a year <a href="">what is the brand name for esomeprazole magnesium</a> Yet that month, Weiner began his new online relationship, sending lewd messages and photos with a woman half his age — the same creepy conduct that forced him to resign from Congress a year earlier.
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Can you hear me OK? <a href="">cyproheptadine structure name</a> U.S. stocks rallied to a record high on Wednesday after theFederal Reserve surprised investors by saying it would not beginto cut its bond-buying program that has been a driving forcebehind Wall Street's climb of more than 20 percent this year.The Dow Jones industrial average rose 109.28 points or0.7 percent, the S&P 500 gained 15.54 points 0.91percent, and the Nasdaq Composite added 26.887 points or0.72 percent.
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Sorry, I'm busy at the moment <a href="">ventolin salbutamol dosage for adults</a> Britain's biggest retailer said the pork it sold as from aBritish farm probably came from a Dutch one, the latest publicrelations blow for the company. The firm is attempting to reviveits fortunes in its home market after losing share to rivals,but has suffered a series of setbacks this year, including thediscovery across Europe of horsemeat in products labelled asbeef. (Compiled by Varun Aggarwal)
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Good crew it's cool :) <a href="">tylenol and motrin dosing chart together for adults</a> &ldquo;We were actually in France when the Games started,&rdquo; recalls Jason Robson, 42, a medical scientist. &ldquo;We watched the opening ceremony on television there and it made us feel very patriotic.&rdquo; Back home Robson and his wife, Suzanne, 34, a nurse, and their sons Daniel, 10, Rhys, seven, and Spencer, three, took a special interest in the cycling events. Jason, a once-keen hobby rider, found his interest reawakened as his sons switched on to the sport for the first time.
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Please call back later <a href="">linezolid suspension usp monograph</a> Heat the oil in a pan. Sweat the onion, garlic and chilli for a few minutes, followed by the beans. Stir well and add the chicken stock, enough to cover the beans, plus an inch. Add the bay leaf and herbs. Season with black pepper but not salt (which is only added once the beans are cooked &mdash; to taste. Added earlier it toughens the beans). The black treacle and mustard go in now, as can other ingredients if wished (eg game, poultry, ham hock or diced ham). Cover and cook until tender (on top of the stove very slowly or in a moderate oven).
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please <a href="">cymbalta causing gynecomastia</a> Lane hoped to work in real estate after graduating from East Central University next May but was shot in the back while jogging along a tree-lined street near his girlfriend's home in Duncan last week. Three boys — ages 15, 16 and 17 — have been charged in what prosecutors called a thrill killing.
A Second Class stamp <a href="">flomax 700 a cosa serve </a> In terms of fraud through client manipulation, the Canadian Bankers&#8217; Association (CBA) told Thomson Reuters that criminals were aware that Canadian banks possessed robust security systems, which has led to an increase in attempts to obtain confidential information directly from customers. &#8220;So the most common type of cybercrime we see is aimed at individuals and their computers, rather than at the banks and their systems,&#8221; the CBA said. &#8220;Phishing is a common example and involves criminals sending e-mail messages falsely claiming to be from a bank and tricking them into revealing personal information, such as on-line banking login information.&#8221;
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Special Delivery <a href="">para que es esta medicina clarithromycin</a> Lynne Burnham, the secretary of Mothers At Home Matter, a lobby group for those who choose to raise their children full-time, has condemned the proposals, arguing that &ldquo;families with parents who stay at home with children are no less valuable or important than those where both parents work.&rdquo;
When can you start? <a href="">does lamictal help ocd</a> As for “Burial Rites,” Lawrence would play a woman accused of murder in Iceland in 1829, back when men scoffed at the notion of women committing violent crimes. The project is yet to find its home at a studio, but according to The Wrap, CAA and producer Allison Shearmur will begin shopping the project to studios next week. This is all the information that has been released so far, as both movies are currently in the earliest development stages. In fact, they are likely to spend years in development. While Ross is currently focused on casting Disney’s “Peter and the Starcatcher,” Lawrence has two more Hunger Games sequels lined up, as well as roles in Chris Terrio’s “The Ends of the Earth,” the Jeanette Walls memoir “The Glass Castle” and Susanne Bier’s FilmNation drama “The Rules of Inheritance.”
Could you give me some smaller notes? <a href="">rhinocort vs nasacort</a> The political wrangling has led some investors to believe the U.S. Federal Reserve will have no choice but to leave its fiscal stimulus measures in place for several more months. That could keep stocks rising through the rest of the year.
US dollars <a href="">strattera reviews for adults</a> Detroit sought Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection last week torestructure $18 billion in retiree and bond obligations. TheU.S. Bankruptcy Court in Detroit will consider the city'seligibility for bankruptcy next month.
A financial advisor <a href="">is nugenix natural</a> But low earnings power carries risks. In its 2012 EconomicSurvey of Germany, the OECD noted Landesbanken "remainvulnerable due to their low capitalisation and profitability andwill be especially affected by the regulatory increases incapital requirements".
I've just graduated <a href="">sleepwell sofa foam 50 density price</a> That President Obama and the Democrats rammed through their health care overhaul over the unanimous opposition of Republicans offers no justification for the GOP’s recklessness. The law was duly passed by both houses of Congress, signed by a President and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Along the way, Obama won a second term in an election that was at least partly a referendum on Obamacare.
I'm sorry, I'm not interested <a href="">ciprofloxacin eye drops ip ciplox eye/ear drops uses</a> The main legislative response to the crisis &ndash; the Dodd-Frank financial reform law &ndash; undeniably contains some things that will make the next crisis, whatever its form, easier to manage (or even prevent). There's now a regulator explicitly tasked with policing consumer financial products, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. There's a new process that, at least in theory, will allow the government to dismantle a failing mega-bank without resorting to ad-hoc bailouts, a legal process that was sorely missing during the 2008 crisis.
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Some First Class stamps <a href="">common side effects of metoprolol 25 mg</a> Throughout its controversial existence sheer clothing has been met with a fair few obstacles. The see-through clothing may be off-limits for some but there&#39;s no easier way to work the year-round trend then with a classic black dress complete with a mesh overlay.
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I'd like to pay this cheque in, please <a href="">ortho tri-cyclen lo oral tablet</a> I have been somewhat skeptical of the notion that the Senate overwhelmingly passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill &ndash; 70 votes in favor seems to be the benchmark here &ndash; will, in and of itself, force the House to accept a pathway to citizenship or otherwise palpably move the House's conservative majority. I thought the juxtaposition of a strong bipartisan Senate majority running up against a very partisan House might strengthen reform advocates at the margin (especially those concerned about the party's image), but I also tend to view arguments revolving around legislative momentum as being overhyped in the same way that the bully pulpit and the "Green Lantern" theory of presidential leadership &ndash; that Republican intransigence owes to a failure of will on President Obama's part &ndash; tend to be wildly overdrawn.
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