An Introduction to Property Theory (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law)

Gregory S. Alexander - March 22, 2012
Property recently getting all re-finagled
"At the base of every single property debate are competing theories of property – different understandings of what private property is, why we have it, and what its proper limitations are."
"Our aim in this book is to survey the leading theories of private property in Western (primarily Anglo American) legal thought."
What is property? Difficult thing to define - partly because different way lay people and lawyers approach the question. Lay people think of property as an uncomplicated relationship between a person (the owner) and a thing (the owned property.) Lawyers tend to think of property as the collection of the individual rights people have as against one another with respect to owned resources.
"Property rights, unlike (say) contractual rights, are good against the entire world. They impose duties on everyone else with respect to those rights. As a result, the creation of property rights has an impact on people who did not take part in the transaction concerning the property in question."
Lawyer's model as property as a collection of rights often seen as "bundle of sticks." But, some people nominate certain sticks as being more important: Thomas Merrill: - The right to exclude others (not always true, example land ownership in Sweden where cultural tradition allows people to roam on other's land freely if they respect the land - allemansrätt is name of this right.) Tony Honoré: - menu of common rights - The right to possess (including right to exclude) - The right to use - The right to manage - The right to the income a thing generates - The right to the capital (i.e. the thing itself) - The right to security - The right to transmissibility and the absence of term (potentially infinite duration) - The duty to prevent harm - The liability to execution (e.g. to satisfy a debt) - The incident of residuarity (the idea that, when lesser interests come to an end, the full interest in the property reverts to the owner.) No definitive set of features all instances of property will necessarily have
James Penner more definitional approach: Defines property as the area of law that descriptively characterized by exclusion rights and grounded in "the interest we have in the use of things, an interest he in turn grounds largely in the value of individual autonomy."
Hanoch Dogan (and others) argue that property serves a variety of values, and Dagan sees “perceives the values of property in an antifoundationalist spirit, as ‘pluralistic and multiple, dynamic and changing, hypothetical and not self-evident, problematic rather than determinative.’”
What function does property serve? Jeremy Waldron defines the law of property as area of law concerned with allocating material resources. Allocation is the process of determining, peacefully and reasonably predictably, who is to have access to which resources for what purposes and when.
What is a theory of property? It is an attempt at a normative justification for the a particular set of legal rights around property.
This book provides overviews of theories of property that have had greatest effect on American property law.
Part 1
1. Utilitarian Property Theories
Utilitarian theory is the dominant view of property today, at least among lawyers.
Yet, there are a number of *utilitarian influenced* theories of property
Utilitarianism is a consequentialist moral philosophy that judges rightness/wrongness of actions/rules/institutions by the goodness/badness of the consequences they bring.
Goodness/badness is measured by maximization of utility of welfare.
Jeremy Bentham (English philosopher & social reformer of 17-1800s) - Classic Utilitarian theory goodness is total sum of pleasure, minus pain, that all people experience as the result of one decision - In classic view, we are to pursue our pleasures (which, theoretically, only differ in quantitative effect)
Pure hedonistic pursuit of pleasure has proven problematic: - possibility of certain morally perverse pleasures that, widely shared, might be deemed good (e.g. the ritual sacrifice of one for the pleasure of the masses) * often countered with a hierarchy of pleasures, some of which should matter more than others
Contemporary successors of utilitarianism abandoned pleasure for "thinner" conceptions of goodness, like preference satisfaction This has yielded conception of utility that is all encompassing, including "everything an individual might value." ??Although these work in the abstract, would it be useful to minimize them again, to re-prioritize things like love or social connection? Property seems to suffer from a devaluation of the needs met through interconnection??
Problem of how to deal with "problematic" preferences (like, sadistic pleasures, for instance) remains
Bentham's simple additive approach to net pleasure (pleasure minus pain) leads to objection with insensitivity to distribution. (Could lead to a concentrated elite.)
Kaldor-Hicks criterion of efficiency - distribution ok if those who benefit hypothetically could fully compensate those who lose so that the losers are no worse off than before. However, there is no requirement that the compensation actually happen, so this leads to the view total well being matters, regardless of distribution.
Utilitarians concerned about inequality can weight the well-being of those the least well off more heavily (sounds like a model I like, as it seems to mimic a certain happiness finding; more money past a certain point doesn't make you happy.)
"Among contemporary theorists, the most common means of expressing information about the intensity of preferences is in terms of how much a person would be willing to pay for a particular preference to be satisfied," Yet, this would provide a poor comparison between the right and poor (percentage of wealth?)
One approach: a social choice is good if it makes at least one person better of without decreasing the utility of anyone else. Requires less data than other forms of utility ranking.
Information challenges w.r.t utilitarianism are difficult (have to know a wide variety of preferences, and possibly compare the incomparable, like the joy at eating ice cream vs reading a poem)
Utilitarian theory of property: property institutions should be shaped to maximize net utility.
Often, theorists use "wealth" as proxy for "welfare" so this would translate to we should have a property theory that maximizes society's net wealth.
Starting point for most contemporary utilitarian accounts of property is The Tragedy of the Commons, aka, wasteful overuse when individuals enjoy open access to valuable resources.
Scott Gordon: "Wealth that is free for all is valued by none because he who is foolhardy enough to wait for its proper time of use will only find that it has been taken by another.” Is this true nowadays, in the time of goods with potentially infinite supply? Say, songs on the internet?
Owning property for ones self prevents tragedy of the commons, because any damage done is borne by the single owner and not amortized over the whole group. Yet, there is some variance here (families, for instance, tend to own property together - groups with aligned interests may be able to share.) It seems that, in essence, competing groups are the most at risk. If one person uses a land for grazing, and another uses the same land for fishing, each would only hurt themselves by over-depleting their particular source.
To regulate the commons: divide it into shares, or use coercive regulations to prohibit overexploitation. A utilitarian society should opt for the least costly form of regulation.
The Free Rider is the other utilitarian problem. In an open access regime (everyone tills the land, everyone eats the corn) the rational choice is to refuse to till the land and eat the corn grown by the communal benefit. Of course, if everyone is rational, there is no corn. By giving everyone their own land, they can use it as they wish. Those who grow more corn through more work reap their reward. Of course, we're living in a time where some people aren't able to get land because of oppression. So, they have no available option for labor or corn.
In a period of hyperproductivity, if, say, one worker could create enough corn for 100 people, would there exist one person irrational enough to do all the labor? Would there be another motivation for such a thing (say, social status?) Would this begin to break down the tragedy of the commons?
Assumptions behind tragedy of the commons: 1) Community members unfailingly aim to maximize their individual material gain 2) Resource consumption is "rivalrous" - aka, use progressively diminishes supply 3) Users of resource are able to keep full benefit of their use while the costs are shared 4) Use of the resource is unregulated (formally or informally)
If one assumption is absent, then the tragedy less likely. Free rider problem similar, minus rivalrous competition.
Rational actor model - also, assumes that work is a absolute negative, and consumption absolute positive (say, people won't do work if they don't have to because they will receive no benefit from it.)
Experimental economists studying human behavior have observed that people will cooperate even in settings structured to encourage free riding, casting doubt on the true rational model of humanity. According to one report: “there is no society in which experimental behavior is consistent with the canonical model [of the rational actor] from economic textbooks."
These games are played with low $$ though. Would it change if there was more money involved?
Sharing behavior - 1st person chooses split, 2nd person has veto person * rational model expects first person to give 2nd person a little, and 2nd person to accept it * however, normally people even split, and if not, 2nd person vetoes punishing themselves to punish the other person This may give a *reason* as to why people often don't follow rational actor model. Social conditioning/intuition runs against it.
Rational model would also expect communications between people not to matter (aka "cheap talk") but communication *does* matter. Communication is a fundamental tool to disrupt totally self interested behavior.
Where tragedies of commons do occur, anonymity make punishing those who don't play by the rules difficult, few uncooperative people reap large rewards - over time, behavior converges on rational model. Think international fisheries and twitter.
Robust opportunities for communication can offset this - why hasn't it worked in the online world?
The utilitarian case for intellectual property very different than utilitarian case for private property because it is nonrivalrous. Aka, if you consume intellectual property, you have not depleted the supply for others.
Ironically, the real commons had no tragedy, because the commons were well regulated by the villagers.
The Lobster Gangs of Maine are another example of a well managed common (lobster fisherman banded together to moderate their lobstering)
Utilitarian property theory is highly susceptible to context (unlike other theories of property)
From a utilitarian perspective, property should be distributed via "entitlements" to whoever will value it the most highly. Theoretically, this should be its original owner, who should not be deprived of their property unless they consent to it.
From a utilitarian perspective, property should be distributed via "entitlements" to whoever will value it the most highly. Theoretically, this should be its original owner, who should not be deprived of their property unless they consent to it.
Critiques on utilitarian model: - Does not give enough weight to the individual - Never enough time to fully evaluate what choices will make someone better off, so impossible to fully model
Limitations of utilitarian model: - Assumes unitary measure of value, so goods are always substitutable (no accounting for emotional attachment to property) - Cannot overlook this type of attachment to model a system that allows humans to flourish - Additionally, some things are non interchangable (e.g. food and human rights - extra food does not fix someone with no rights) - Some objects are irreplaceable (e.g. the artwork of an artist at the height of her career - no amount of $ or preference would compensate her for her loss)
2 Locke and Libertarian Theories of Property
Locke's theory of property laid out in Two Treaties of Government (5th chapter 2nd treatise) - 1689 At the time, was dispute over who was supposed to take over the throne. Locke argued in opposition to Robert Filmer, who tried to support royal absolutism through inheritance from Adam. Locke tried to refute these anti-egalitarian claims.
For Locke, there is a "natural law" that God has built into the fabric of the universe. - Human beings, as "God's property" are to be preserved * Human beings duty bound to preserve themselves, and where self preservation not undermined, help others survive also - Each person is equally entitled to things which are serviceable for subsistence
Locke argues for 3 states of human existence, with differing property rights
State 1: Nature - According to Locke: “[m]en living together according to reason, without a common superior on earth, with authority to judge between them, is properly the state of nature” * no one has more power than another (not sure this is true - eg, monkeys with strength/gender) 2 possibilities: - negative communism, no one has any rights, so no one owes anyone any duties - affirmative communism where everyone equal access to the world resources, and therefore owe each other duties at the outset Locke seems to start with an affirmative communism Yet, how can people make private use of God's resources without violating the rights of another? If you eat a fruit, it becomes your flesh, and no one else has a right to it anymore. The paradox of plenty Locke claims that, when something becomes your body, it becomes your own. Additionally, anything made with your own labor from that which you took from nature, becomes your own. However, to take this: - No one may appropriate more than they can use before it spoils. Nothing was made by God for man to destroy. - Appropriation from the common only permissible if there is "enough, and as good" left for others - He gets the product of his own industry, what his ancestors leave to him, and charity gives every man a title to keep him from extreme want Principle of charity seems to mean you don't violate the commons when you take what you need to survive, but that the community would violate appropriator's rights by trying to stop them.
Stage 2: The Introduction of Money Money enters as a mechanism to avoid spoilage condition (can exchange your perishables for non-perishables without violating the rights of others - could be objects, but became money more generally) Money breeds inequality and conflict. Before money, spoilage left little room for property squabbles. Yet, after money, conflict over property more common and ownership more insecure. Locke justifies unequal ownership on dubious grounds that by participating in monetary transactions, people consent to inequality. He also seems ambivilant as to its value, noting that material abundance is achieved, yet growing acquisitivness and conflict.
Stage 3: Civil Society Nature, despite many virtues, lacks 3 things: - law people can look to to define their rights - neutral judge to mediate conflict - organs of state power to enforce those judgements Introduction of money necessitated these enhanced, dispute resolving capabilities. Natural law, however, doesn't become irrelevant once government is formed - rather, it sets the boundaries for government. Subtle limitations implied here: - No waste through spoilage - Enough and as good must be left for others - Requires people make surplus resources available for others who cannot provide for themselves
Complication with Locke's theory: - Why is mixing what I own with what I don't own just a way of losing what I own? (Robert Nozick) If I dump my tomato juice in the ocean, do I now own the ocean? - Is your own labor a necessity to own these things? If your labor far outstrips the value of the raw materials, seems to be that you should own it. Yet, so much of human labor is cooperative. No workable value-added property scheme has been developed yet (as Nozick observed)
For property rights libertarians, any interesting theory will involve "the establishment of full ownership in the underlying object, the sort of ownership on which he can build his robust, historical entitlement theory of distributive justice"
James Tully interprets Locke's "mixing" argument to mean someone owns what she intentionally brings into being.
Locke's belief in makers rights makes human kind all the property of God, and functions for him to argue against absolute paternal rights (which were in vogue at the time.)
Lock also believes that the greatest part of the value of an object comes from the human labor invested in it - this takes on an interesting dimension with regard to intellectual property rights, which are infinitely scalable.
It becomes hard to prioritize the rights of the laborer over others who held rights to the raw materials, so is difficult to create an extremely robust set of labor laws around this.
How Lockean Theology has been used in future property rights: - To justify giving land to settlers over Native Americans and absentee speculators (many argue that Locke was essentially justifying colonial activities)
*** Note how Locke's valorization of labor *is the mechanism* for appropriating land from the Native Americans
After industrial revolution, 20th century interpretations of Locke used it to support capitalist accumulation, rather than 19th century labor theories which used it to support egalitarian/redistributive policies.
Nozick and Epstein, libertarians, use Locke to support libertarian property rights that allow for indefinite accumulation. To do this, they do away with Locke's "natural law" framework with affirmative obligations of self-preservation and assistance to others. Instead, they focus on strictly negative community, in which people owe each other only duties of noninterference.
*** Fundamental problem with Locke, which the libertarians fail to solve, is the restriction of liberty of non-owners of property.
"It is arguable, for example, that a nonowner is made worse off, even as compared to the nonownership state of nature, because in the world of private property, she loses access to the means of obtaining her subsistence." - I agree with this completely.
@emma - the destruction of the environment has, effectively, demonstrated the interconnectivity of all beings and is undermining some of the Christian values of self sufficiency. It is not possible, for instance, to live off the land and be self sufficient when the activities of your neighbors are killing the rain. Yet, this ideology is deeply counter to the American spirit, and we have reached the limit of the freedoms of independence. So, we have to ask, how do we maintain liberty? How can we allow each individual to pursue the life of their choosing while restricting their ability to limit the lives of others? Ultimately, we're looking for a maximization of liberty for all beings - to allow all beings the maximum freedom of choice. Traditional libertarian ideologies no longer allow for maximum liberty.
"Locke’s egalitarian and democratic theory, which he conceived to protect individual property owners from the arbitrary acts of an absolute monarch and its aristocratic allies, has become a theory for protecting property owners (no matter how powerful) from the redistributive acts of a democratic legislature." - this is interesting, initially, we viewed the population as needing property to protect them from the monarchy. However, now we need protection from *people with more property*
3 - Hegelian Property Theory
This branch has a focus on how property contributes to development of the self
Personhood theory of property traced to Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Concerns are rooted in concern for an individual's free will. Like libertarians, has a fundamental concern for individual freedom (but, similarities end there.)
*** Isaiah Berlin - calls attention to "negative" and "positive" liberty - negative liberty = absence of interference/restraints - positive liberty = being able to act in such a way that controls one's own life (@emma - Note that positive liberty is missing from both capitalist and communist conceptions of liberty)
Hegel defines a person as "a unit of freedom aware of its sheer independence." Aka, a person is able to develop a consciousness of self awareness. "This consciousness is a matter of detaching one’s self mentally from one’s needs and wants in such a way that one is able to regard these as not one’s own, at least not entirely. Through this process of self-constitution a person is able to acquire a more purely abstract awareness of herself, developing what J. E. Penner terms the will that is “free for itself.”"
For hagel, freedom is important for its own sake. Having developed a will that is "Free for itself" a person can relate it back to herself so she perceives those needs and wants, not as given, but as chosen. This is the point at which the personality is fully realized. "Hegel believed that the will that is free of itself is intelligible only in the context of concrete human existence. As Penner states, “Freedom is situated in human society.”"
"The development of personality is far more communal for Hegel than it is for any social contract theorist."
"The importance of right for Hegel lies in its role in developing and sustaining the free will, or personality: It is a necessary condition for personality."
Under Hegel, people are only entitled to sustain the personality of the subject holder. According to Hegel: “[T]he imperative of right is: ‘Be a person and respect others as persons.’”
"How does the personality develop from the cold abstract form into a form that is concrete and more familiar to us? The answer is, simply, property. As Hegel states, “Personality is that which struggles…to claim th[e] external world as its own”"
According to Penner, "Property is the relation of personality to the external sphere of things, understood in terms of free will."
"A fundamental element of Hegel’s theory is the concept that the free will, at every stage of its development, necessarily is embodied in something. The notion of a disembodied or transcendent free will made no sense to Hegel."
For Hegel, a "person" (with will) had an absolute right of appropriation over all "things" (that without will) * included dominion over nature, because nature had no self consciousness - all the external world had no reality apart from the its reality for individual subject's minds
Alienation is the key to thingness - so, certain internal interests cannot be things. Alienation requires that a person be able to withdraw her will from the thing; if your will cannot be withdrawn, it is not a thing. However, all other interests (including intellectual property, for example) can be treated as things.
Three Modes of Embodying the Will - possession is the means by which someone imposes their will on an object. 3 modes of taking posession: 1) grasping * most complete, but limited because possession only lasts as long as grasping does * is only available if object not owned by another 2) forming * is a reward of investment of time and effort, the gap between the subjectivity of the will and external world has been bridged * if you make a sculpture of bronze, that aspect of bronze cannot be understood except in relation to your will 3) marking * the will is not actual, but is represented * does not prevent loss through theft, but presents intention to own to the world
Having something is not enough to have a "true property" relationship - also need to *use* the thing. According to Hegel: “The use of the thing is my need for being externally realized through the change, destruction, and consumption of the thing”
"His greatest contribution to our understanding of property was to show not only how property anchors our free wills in the actual world of objects but, more fundamentally, to explain how property does the work of establishing social relationships."
Property is the foundation for socialization with others - @emma: perhaps this is why alienable was a necessity to Hegel. Something had to be alienated before it can be used by another, and until some thing you have used can be used by another, it is - in a way - impossible for someone to respond to you.
With Hegel, possession, use, and alienation are property right that exist prior to the common good. Yet, the common good is taken into account because the individual cannot exist except as part of the community.
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I've just graduated <a href="">hoteles en copacabana antioquia colombia</a> One night in late February 2006, around 2 a.m., Dorsey sat in Glass’s parked car as rain poured down on the windshield. The two were sobering up after a night of drinking vodka and Red Bull, but the conversation, as usual, was about Odeo. Dorsey blurted out that he was planning his exit strategy. “I’m going to quit tech and become a fashion designer,” Glass recalls him saying. He also wanted to sail around the world. Glass pushed back: He couldn’t really want to leave the business entirely, could he? “Tell me what else you’re interested in,” he said. Dorsey mentioned a Web site that people could use to share their current status — the music they were listening to or where they were. Dorsey envisioned that people would use it to broadcast the simplest details about themselves — like “going to park,” “in bed” and so forth.
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