Creating Self-Regulated Learners

Strategies to Strengthen Students' Self-Awareness and Learning Skills

Linda Nilson - October 1, 2013
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"Because many schools focus on building self-esteem, few students face daily public accountability for doing their homework, if they are even assigned any. In many cases, they receive passing grades without passing scores, honors without excelling in their coursework, and the aura of achievement without earning it."
"Now in college, they do not realize that reading involves interacting with the text and evaluating one’s comprehension of it, that studying for a test means testing oneself, and that writing a paper requires advance planning and goal setting. Society has yet to pay the full price for this misdirected socialization."
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1 - What is Self-Regulated Learning and How Does it Enhance Learning?
To be competitive in modern economy, need to become a *lifelong learner*
Students often don't take into account *their own effort* or study methods as important things in "their learning"
Many undergraduates say the same thing - students take no responsibility for their own learning, and admit to having little or no interest in learning.
There is a widespread belief that learning should require no effort, because often people did not need to exert effort in elementary school or high school.
There is an additional belief that "smart" people shouldn't have to work hard to accomplish learning.
"[Students] have been socialized into accepting a fixed-intelligence mind-set (Dweck, 2007), a belief that actually had currency until the neurocognitive research showed otherwise during the past decade."
"Is it any wonder that students rarely have questions on the readings and lectures? They do not know what they have and have not understood, and so they optimistically assume that they have understood and will therefore remember the material."
Self regulated learning requires: - setting learning goals for a class period, assignment, or study session - learner must plan how to go about the task effectively, actively listening, outlining, taking notes, visually representing the material, self quizzing, reviewing, writing a summary - while executing the plan, she must direct and control her focus and stay on task - but, allowing appropriate breaks to revitalize her brain - she must make sure she's not succumbing to distraction and detrimental self talk * when her mind wanders, she must bring it back to the task at hand - she must also be aware of how well she is understanding the material by pausing to evaluate her command of it
"Self-control, self-discipline, perseverance, and determination in pursuing long-term goals outweigh IQ as predictors of postsecondary academic success"
"self-regulated learning is deliberate practice." - must encourage students to come up with their own kinds of deliberate practice
isolate the source of your error, or misunderstanding, and seek to correct it with subsequent practice.
"Self-regulated learning has also helped distinguish between novice and expert thinking. Drawing on the work of Schraw (1998), Bransford et al. (2000), and Zimmerman (2002), Grossman (2009) analyzed the very different perspectives that novices and experts take on their own learning. According to Grossman, novices tend to believe in an external locus of control and may give up on learning challenging material because they see their innate abilities as inadequate for the task. When they do choose to learn, novices go about it in a rather haphazard manner. They do not set goals or break up the task into steps or monitor their learning progress. They fail to evaluate and reorient their learning methods, if necessary. They rely on the feedback of others and compare their performance with others, rather than self-assessing and restructuring goals they have not met. In problem-solving situations, they rarely progress beyond exploring the problem (Schoenfeld, 2010). Experts, on the other hand, manage and control their learning all along, acknowledging failure as a signal to modify their learning strategies (Zimmerman, 2002). In problem solving, they read, explore, analyze, plan, implement their plans, and evaluate on their way to a solution (Schoenfeld, 2010)."
Schraw developed 3 stage process of learning: - planning that precedes the learning - monitoring that happens during the learning - evaluating, that happens immediately after learning
Planning questions: What kind of task is this? What is my goal, how will I know I have achieved it? What do I already know about the topic? What additional information will I need? Monitoring questions: Am I sure I know what I'm doing? How well are my strategies working? What changes in approach or strategy should I make, if any? What am I having trouble understanding? What am I having trouble recalling? Evaluating questions: How well did I achieve my goal? How well did I master what I set out to learn? How well did I avoid sources of interference and stay on task? What strategies worked, what strategies didn't work?
Emotional self regulation: - Must motivate yourself to do a task, by affirming its value to you and desire for mastery The importance of positive feelings in the learning process *cannot be overemphasized* Psychologically healthy people do not do things that cause them pain.
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2 - Fostering Self Regulated Learning From the Start
"Few students have ever read anything about the nature of learning or thinking, so one assignment you might give during the first week of a course is a short, student-oriented reading on what learning entails."
Two resources on learning to learn:
Some good questions for above two readings: What was the most important insight you gained from the reading? What surprised you most in the reading? What did you already know? Did you identify with any of Kolb’s learning styles? Which one or ones? Which one of Perry’s stages of intellectual development did you identify with? One of Fink’s categories of significant learning is learning how to learn, the subject we’re addressing in this class right now. Have you been taught how to learn before? Where? What did you learn about learning? What will you do differently during a lecture, if anything, given what you read? How will you prepare differently for exams, given what you read? Can you think of other good learning practices that the reading didn’t mention?
Goal Setting - why do you want to take this class? What are your goals? Another goal setting activity: "How I earned an A in this class" (or, whatever goal is appropriate)
Self-Assessment on Course Knowledge - Reflective writing about question after material is suggested
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I'd like a phonecard, please <a href="">effexor bula pdf</a> The July 1 deadline for preventing the doubling of government-subsidized student loan rates has passed, and lawmakers continue to hash out the details of a plan to move beyond the current impasse. With the Senate recently approving a proposal to tie the rate to the financial markets, it's worth thinking back to earlier this summer at a Rose Garden event held by President Obama. Flanked by a group of idyllic college students, the president tried to fend off the rate doubling when he declared, &ldquo;Higher education cannot be a luxury for a privileged few. It is an economic necessity that every family should be able to afford.&rdquo; Two notions should stand out to the careful observer.
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How would you like the money? <a href="">super facialist vitamin c serum review</a> The old Hostess had roughly 2,500 workers producing snacks. Arnold cautioned that it's "nearly impossible" to compare the two, because the new company did not buy rights to all of the brands that the old Hostess produced.
Lost credit card <a href="">betnovate scalp application side effects hair loss</a> One might wish to frame this event in the context of cars and trucks fueled in America by gasoline or diesel products. According to the Federal Emergency Management Administration during the Bush Administration, there were 258,000 car or truck fires in 2004 thru 2006. Virtually all of those involved gasoline or diesel powered vehicles. If the same object had hit a fuel tank on a gasoline car, ruptured the tank, and caused all the sparks from the metal on the concrete, the damaged gasoline car would literally have exploded as a moving fireball. As it happened, the car instructed the driver to pull off the road, and no one was hurt. In the case of the Volt (which I own), the car was hung upside down for several days after the crash testing. In all cases of internal combustion cars, the cars are drained of fuel BEFORE hanging them upside down. That was not done with the Volt. It is highly doubtful that many people are going to be strapped into an upside down Volt for days waiting for the battery to leak. The notion that the Volt had similar problem to the DreamLiner is terrible journalism. Hey, Deepa, Ben, Matthew, and Andrew, please do better homework rather than copying and pasting data that are not correct.
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this post is fantastic <a href="">longjax mht with arginine benefits</a> Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez poured scorn on this, saying: &#8220;One thinks of the developed nations who invest so much money in their intelligence apparatus and then those security agencies wrongly informed their governments. Evidently, they said in the President&#8217;s plane there was a person exercising his right to asylum.&#8221;
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