Flyover Nation

You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To

Dana Loesch 2016
"withered, coexist-bumper-stickered souls" -> what is the implication here? It's a way of implying a spiritual superiority, as if through liberal acceptance of other spiritualities they have no spirituality or their own spirituality has become weakened. Conservatives think they're better than liberals *because of their religion*
Church was an important place for community (deaths, births, turtle races in the carparks)
Guns "bring food and save lives" (aunt's estranged husband tried to kill her, she ran away and he was stopped by grandfather with gun)
"The military is what one of my cousins admirably did after high school graduation, not some ridiculous topic of "imperialism" that hipster-coated coastals debate sans experience with authority at cocktail parties in our nation's capital." -> This is dangerous, very dangerous. It implies that you shouldn't question the larger motivations of what you are being asked to do.
"There isn't a family in Flyover Nation without military associations."
"Caring for the environment is what my grandpa and family did every day, ending to cows, preventing overgrazing, growing crops, and controlling the predator population so that the population of each woodland denizen was at a healthy level. Mismanaging the land might mean your family went hungry for a season or you didn't have meat in your freezer. That's true conservation not the religion of recycling preached by coastals who've never had to live off the land in the way that Flyover has for generations." There is a repeated emphasis on experiential knowledge, which is fine, but also limited.
"Everytown, a Michel Bloomberg-funded anti-Second Amendment group claims it's about saving kids, yet its political director, Matt Burgess, is also the political director for Planned Parenthood. Some reasoning Olympics must be involved to justify that contradiction." If all you see is a contradiction, then you are misunderstanding the problem. This reliance on contradiction for invalidation is widespread throughout American discourse right now.